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Strengths narrative

My Top Five CliftonStrengths

  • Achiever

  • Discipline

  • Restorative

  • Focus

  • Consistency

Utilizing My Strengths

In September of 2016, the proposition of a trip to Italy and Greece was presented to the foreign language classes at my high school. Having traveled to Costa Rica two years prior, I knew this opportunity was something I wanted to take advantage of; the only thing stopping me was the steep price associated with being abroad for nineteen days. The Achiever in me immediately got to work, formulating ways to earn nearly $5,000 before the end of the following year. Knowing what I was capable of through dedication and hard work, I didn’t shy away from the challenge. Being inspired by ABC’s Shark Tank, I decided to start my own business.


Once I established the direction I was going to take, my strength of Focus furthered my drive to be successful in my endeavor to travel abroad at my own expense.  I began to compile a list of products I would make by hand and sell at local crafts shows, as well as to my family and friends. From arm-knitted infinity scarves to make-ahead recipe jars, I was able to incorporate many of my passions into products that others could enjoy. Following the first craft show, I participated in, I reexamined what I was going to supply in accordance with the observed demand for certain products. Although I felt somewhat defeated at the time, seeing a lack of interest in some of my items, I now know that making corrections necessary for staying on track is one aspect of the Focus strength I was already exhibiting. Along with selling homemade items, I also worked two jobs and babysat for five families in order to make enough money to be one of the students who would go on to travel to Europe during the summer before my senior year. Saying that I was busy would be an understatement; however, I did as an Achiever would and worked relentlessly in order to reach the goal I set for myself.


At many points throughout the trip, I would stop and take in my surroundings, recognizing that I was standing where I was due to my own Discipline and determination. The experience of setting such a large goal and accomplishing it over a long period of time acted to strengthen my own perceptions concerning all that I can accomplish once I put my mind to something. Whenever I begin to doubt myself and my capabilities, seeing a picture of myself next to the Leaning Tower of Pisa and remembering the taste of an authentic Greek gyro serves as a reminder of what I can achieve with enough perseverance and self-accountability.


As I begin my journey at the University of Cincinnati, I aim to further define my strengths and apply them towards academic success. Using Focus, Discipline, and my capacity to be an Achiever, I will work towards achieving my goals of maintaining a GPA of 3.7 or above and discovering what I’m most passionate about, which can then become my future career path.

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